• What can my daughter expect at camp?
    Units spend time together learning songs and games, doing crafts, firebuilding and campfire cooking, and learning outdoor skills with knots, knives, and compasses.
  • Are meals and snacks provided at camp?
    Yes!  Units will cook their own meals (with food provided at camp) for Tuesday and Thursday lunches.  Thursday supper (for those staying for the overnight), Friday breakfast (for those staying for the overnight), and Friday lunch, plus two snacks per day every day at camp are provided.  Campers will need to bring their own lunch on Monday and Wednesday.  Among the Pines is a nut-free camp (this includes peanut butter).
  • How are the Units created?
    Girls in the same grade level are grouped together in Units.  Ex. If there are 22 fourth graders, they will be split into two Units with 11 girls per Unit.  There may sometimes be a mixture of grades in a Unit.  Ex. 6 third graders mixed with 5 fourth graders.  It depends on the number of camper registrations per grade level.
  • How will I know if my registration has been received?
    After receiving a registration it is processed immediately.  You will receive an email confirmation as soon as all the forms have been processed, typically within two days of receiving the registration.
  • When will I receive pre-camp information?
    You will receive a comprehensive menu from the director which includes all meals and snacks.  This is emailed approximately six weeks before camp.  You will also receive a phone call and email from your daughter’s Unit Leader before camp.  The detailed email will have information specific to the week of camp.  There are also emails sent from the director prior to and during the week of camp.
  • Can my daughter attend the overnight?
    Yes, if your daughter is entering third grade or above and would like to stay.  A permission form is required and should be turned in on the first day of camp (last day to turn it in and still attend the overnight is Wednesday of camp).  This permission form can be found on the Forms tab of our camp website.
  • Where is the Wednesday field trip located?
    The Wednesday field trip will be to Golden Ponds Nature Area.  Campers and staff will walk to Golden Ponds Nature Area from the Fairgrounds shortly after the start of the camp day on Wednesday and will return to the Fairgrounds in the early afternoon to finish out our camp day there.
  • Do you accept buddy requests?
    No, we do not accept buddy requests at Among the Pines.
  • Will there be a nurse on site to administer medications?
    In accordance with GSCO policy, since we do not have a registered nurse on site, we will not administer prescription or as-needed medication at camp.  If a camper needs medication during the day, or during the Thursday overnight, the parent needs to come to camp and administer medication.
    The exception to this is rescue medications (Inhaler and Epi-pen) which should be listed on the Girl Health History Form.  Campers may self-carry their rescue medication if they self-carry at school, or it can be carried by their Unit Leader at camp.
    There will be a Designated First Aider (adult with first aid training) to deal with minor issues requiring first aid.
  • Can I watch the flag ceremonies and take pictures?
    No, we do not allow any guests at our flag ceremonies.  We have found it tends to be disruptive to our formal ceremony to have parents milling about, campers wanting to go early with their parents, and sometimes parents conversing with other parents as we are trying to complete our camp day.  We ask all those picking up campers to wait outside until the doors are unlocked at 3:30 PM for camper pick-up.
  • How can my daughter be a PA (Program Aide) or PAI (Program Aide Intern) at Among the Pines?
    To be a PA in Colorado girls must be a registered Girl Scout, be a Cadette Girl Scout or older, complete their LiA (Leader in Action Award), PA Basics training, and internship.
    In addition, to be a PA or PAI at Among the Pines, girls must be entering 8th grade or older.  PA/PAI applicants who have an adult family member as a full-week volunteer at Among the Pines that year will be given priority.  If there are additional PA/PAI spots available they will be filled by all other PA/PAI applicants who meet the above requirements until all spots are filled.
    Girls who are full PAs and those who are PA Interns (PAIs) will be accepted if the specific Among the Pines PA/PAI qualifications (as shown above) are met.
  • How did the camp get named “Among the Pines”?
    Our camp’s first location was on a Girl Scout property outside of Lyons called Kiwa Korral.  This property had an abundance of beautiful pine trees, and so Bluebird, the Camp Director, decided to name our camp Among the Pines since we were always so well surrounded by these towering trees.  When this property was completely destroyed by the September 2013 flood, we moved properties, but kept our beloved Among the Pines name.  And we also still have pine trees on our new fairgrounds property and at Golden Ponds Nature Area during our field trip!